The man may not be a Jedi, but the Force wouldn't dare forsake a man with that kind of conviction.

That's right, an impossible feat of marksmanship is boring to him. In fact, he planned to take the TIE down in such a way that it crashed into a gun turret.Chirrut Îmwe takes down several stormtroopers with a staff, and he's also a crack shot with his own BFG, up to the point of shooting a TIE fighter with it.
He put a fuse in the middle of your machine and I've just told the entire galaxy how to light it. This allowed him to be in the perfect position to create a seemingly insignificant design flaw within the Death Star, one that if exploited would annihilate the entire space station. So instead he endeavoured not only to complete the Death Star but make himself seem invaluable to its creation. Galen reveals that he soon realised if he took his life or got himself killed that it would only delay the project, not stop it. Galen Erso's explanation for why he helped build the Death Star is not only an example of great delivery from Mads Mikkelsen, but also shows that sometimes the path to doing the right thing can lead you to some pretty dark places.Seems the pilot wanted to take as many of the Imperials with her as she could, and managed to completely avoid any of her fellow Rebels. When that same U-Wing later gets shot down, it explosively crashes right on a bunch of Imperial troops.After seeing the troops fleeing in terror before, it's vindicating. Watching a door gunner in a U-Wing blast the joint of another AT-ACT.Watching Blue Squadron's X-wings utterly tear them apart while providing close air support is immensely satisfying, showing that while the Empire covered for the AT-AT's weakness with their cargo carrier variant, that opened up a whole new weakness. The last time we saw Rebel pilots take on Imperial walkers the weapons on their airspeeders couldn't even scratch the paint.
They still prove absolute combat juggernauts until the starfighters show up, sending Rogue One into full retreat just from being there. They're lesser armored than their siege counterparts and meant for hauling materials more than combat. The AT-ACTs themselves deserve some credit.The crew going up against AT-ACTs on foot.